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Symbolic Calculator

Getting started

Using the keypad
To enter expressions, you use the keypad and anything you type will appear in the editor line. To save screen space, not all of the keys are visible at the same time. You can change between the sets of keys by vertical swipe gestures. To navigate in the editor line, use the arrow keys. To clear back one symbol, use the backspace key, to clear the entire field, use "clear". You can also select the functions from a list by pressing "func", or can also use a qwerty keyboard (or its localized version) to input function names.

Entering expressions
If the expression is longer than the width of the screen, you can scroll the text field horizontally. You can also move the cursor by tapping on the field.
Once you have finished editing, press the "enter" button. If you haven't made any mistake, the expression with the result will show up in the history view. If they don't fit into the visible part of the screen, just scroll.
If you want to have an approximate, decimal rounded result, press the approximate sign instead of "enter". You can assign values to the variables. To do this start the expression like "a=". To clear a variable first press the "reset" key and then the key of the variable to be cleared.

The history
The history stores up to 30 of your previous commands with their results. You can scroll with the usual swipe gestures. To select one of the expressions, tap on it. To deselect it, tap on an empty space. When an expression is selected up to four buttons will show up.
"copy into editor" : copy the expression to the editor field.
"copy to pasteboard" : copy the expression to the pasteboard to use in other applications
"to numeric form" : Only shown for results. Press to convert the expression to rounded decimal form. (2/3 to 0.666)
"plot" : Only shown for plottable functions. Press this to view the function graphically.
"delete" : Remove the expression from the history. This will also remove other expressions in the same line.

A matrix can be defined in the form of [1,2;3,4]. ";" separates the lines, "," the elements of a line.

To plot, select an expression from the history. It must have exactly one variable (this will be on the x axis), and can not contain functions that are impossible to plot. (for example one which returns a matrix). When the expression is selected, you will see a "plot" button among the options, press that, and the plot will be shown. Up to 3 functions may be drawn at the same time.

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